"Swan Teapot" Slipware
"Comforting" Emotion Vase: Surface Decoration winner for the month of October 2022 in the ICAN Wall Calendar Contest.
"Green" Slipware Cup: finalist in the ICAN 2nd Holiday Cup Show online.
Horsehair Raku Mishima Teapot set
"In-Motion" Horsehair Raku Bowl: 1 of the 40 winning works for the competition for the Dutch KLEI magazine 40th anniversary.
2006 Mashiko Japan Special Judges Award for Horsehair Raku "Four Season" Vase.
2008 Mino Japan Honorable Mention for Horsehair Raku "Cosmos" Plate.
2008 Mashiko Japan Commendation Award for Horsehair Raku "Circles of Life" Plate.
2014 Mino Japan Honorable Mention Award for Horsehair Raku "Duo Ferric Boxes".
Kamakura-Red "Bamboo" Teapot: 2010 In collection of Shanghai "Pot" Museum; 2011 In collection of International Hall of Teapots of the Yixing Ceramics Museum in China.
2013 Kamakura-Red "Sakura" Plate in collection of the Seni Rupa dan Keramik Jakarta Museum Indonesia.
2009 Kamakura-Red "Peony" Vase in collection of the Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum in CHina.
2012 Kamakura-Red "Carousel" Plate in collection of the Guangzhen Zhou Museum in Shanghai China.
"Golden Lotus"
2005 San Jose Museum of Art USA, Star Award for "Red River Tripod"
"Red River" Tripod and "Greek" Vase
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