SwanCeramics Art

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The process of making a big slipware engraved vase

I started throwing big vases again. I make it from several thrown parts put together. The highest I can go is 26 inch/ 66 cm so, it will fit in the kiln.

Throwing the base on the wheel.

The second part put on the base.

Finished the form.

I put a basic layer of black slip. This gives depth to the decoration.

I draw the lines with a knife and then carve a layer of clay out.

I carve out lines out of the black slip. Then I paint it partly with a blue slip and scratch the line engraving off with a knife.

Scratching off the back.

The second engraving of different size circles.

I put on the pink slip and scratched it partly off.

The “Iris” glazed vase.

The “Trumpet” Vase: black slip base.

The yellow slip over the black slip and engraving.

Scratched off the yellow slip and engraving the bands.

Painting on the green slib on the striped engraving: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/C5mtGFeK_go

Painted and scratched the green slip.

The end result: bisque and clear glaze fired “Trumpet” Vase.