Today September 30, 2018 is the opening of the 48th International Academy of Ceramics in Taiwan.
I flew there yesterday straight from Amsterdam.
I met already some friends.
The conference was opened by the Mayor of Taipei City.
Then the Director of the National Museum of History Liao, Hsin-tien gave the keynote speech about that art can express better what is difficult to say in words: West wind blowing to the East: The “Re-Orientalization”.
Conference logo
Introduction by Mayor of Taipei City
Discussion about the topic of the conference with the president of the IAC Jaques Kaufmann.
Explanation of the conference.
In the afternoon we went to the city Yingge where they have the Yingge Ceramics Museum. It showed the wonderful works of the member of the AIC. The museum’s permanent collection showed the history of ceramics in Taiwan. Then we walked through the ceramics park with many ceramic works to the building where they offer the residency program and saw the great studios and spaces where you can do your research work for about 2 months.
Member art work by Shamai Gibsh.
Artwork in Yingge Ceramic Park.
Explanation of the Member exhibition of the IAC at the Yingge Ceramics Art Museum and Center.
Opening ceremonie in the evening of the IAC Conference.
In the evening we had a great party and the IAC new member ceremony.
Day 2 started with 2 special lectures.
The 1st one was a discussion with 2 famous artist Yasuo Hayashi and Yang Yuan-tai during which there was a slide show from their works.
The 2nd lecture was by Nara Yoshitomo about his artworks: painting and clay.
Talk with Yasuo Hayashi and Nara Yoshitomo.
The exposition at the National Taiwan University of Arts.
Beautiful forest artwork.
A beautiful porcelain vessel.
Another beautiful artwork.
In the afternoon we did go to the National Taiwan University of Arts where they had a created a special exhibition from Taiwanese artist for our conference. It was beautiful.
After that we drove to the Farglory Museum with the Golden Teapot Exhibition. So many teapots: so interesting and beautiful.
Evelyne Schoenmann’s teapot! Congratulations!
Love this teapot.
Another nice teapot.