"KLEI in beweging"/"CLAY in motion"

Yesterday, the exhibition opened for the 40th anniversary for the Dutch clay magazine “KLEI”. The title is: “Clay in motion”.
I am one of the 40 accepted artists.

As of yesterday you can see my work at a cultural center HUIS 73, Hinthamerstraat 74, 5211MR in the city
‘s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. The center is open from October 1 - October 25, 2020 from 9am to 9pm (on Saturdays and Sundays till 5pm).

You are all welcome and enjoy all the beautiful “MOVING” art!!!

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Works from Julias van Dam and Els Janssens

Works from Julias van Dam and Els Janssens

Works from Loes Koth Penders and Orly Shemesh

Works from Loes Koth Penders and Orly Shemesh

1st Price: Wilma Hornsveld with 'teapot wink'; 2nd price: Hilde Butterman with 'Dordrecht'; 3rd price: Jeanne in Dorsthorst with 'Outdoor'.

1st Price: Wilma Hornsveld with 'teapot wink'; 2nd price: Hilde Butterman with 'Dordrecht'; 3rd price: Jeanne in Dorsthorst with 'Outdoor'.

Exposition at the Dutch National Tree Museum Gimborn with "Spread your Wings"

Tomorrow, the exposition will finally open after the postponement of several months due to the Corona virus. The Dutch Ceramics Group NVK and the National Tree Museum Gimborn organize together for the 4th time a ceramic exposition in this beautiful tree garden of the museum from September 5 to October 25, 2020.
47 NVK-members show 70 pieces of work with the theme “Ode to Nature”.

It is a beautiful park and rich vegetation and especially now a good chance to be outdoors, enjoy nature and beautiful art!!!



There will be no opening reception.

I show my Horsehair Raku “Spread Your Wings” installation; The tallest/smallest wing is about 2 meters/ 6”8’ tall; the lowest/biggest wing is about 80 cm/2 feet tall.

Horsehair Raku “Spread your Wings”.

Horsehair Raku “Spread your Wings”.

2020 Ode aan de Natuur_flyer p2_klein.jpg

Exposition Amstelland Museum in Holland



Today, my exposition “Repair your soul” opened in the Amstelland Museum in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel in the Netherlands. It is a historical museum about the history of this village Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, which started in the year 1000, because of the important river the Amstel and river crossings. Those rivers were water ways carrying and moving people and freight in barges. The museum consist of 6 small Diaconie charity houses for elderly women and build by the Protestant Amstelkerk in 1733.

Jos Out https://www.outart.eu/en/ , a sculptor, is my partner in the exposition.

More information is on the exhibition page: https://www.swanceramics.com/exhibitions

The historical Amstelland Museum.

The historical Amstelland Museum.

Entrance of the museum.

Entrance of the museum.

“Kintsugi” work: Repair your Soul.

“Kintsugi” work: Repair your Soul.

“Caldera” Kintsugi Horsehair Plate: Repair your Soul.

“Caldera” Kintsugi Horsehair Plate: Repair your Soul.

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Mishima” and “In-Motion” Horsehair Work

“Mishima” and “In-Motion” Horsehair Work

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Vases

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Vases

Winning ICAN NCECA Mishima Horsehair Raku Teapot

Winning ICAN NCECA Mishima Horsehair Raku Teapot

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Work.

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Work.

Some beautiful sculptures from Jos Out.

Some beautiful sculptures from Jos Out.

Woman sculpture from Jos Out.

Woman sculpture from Jos Out.

Article of "SHORT and STOUT" ICAN Exhibition in Pottery Illustrated Magazine

My teapot “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot is included in an article in the Pottery Making Illustrated magazine of the May/June 2020 issue. Due to the cancellation of the NCECA conference end of March 2020, where the teapots would have be shown, they have chosen to showcase the 20 amazing teapots, chosen by editor and ceramic artist Katie Sleyman, in the magazine Pottery Making Illustrated. They have paired the teapots with Ivor Lewis’ article that elaborates on the important considerations of making each part of the teapot.

Please, enjoy the article and beautiful teapots.

"Originally published in Pottery Making Illustrated, May/June 2020. http://potterymaking.org. Copyright, The American Ceramic Society. Reprinted with permission."

May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.

May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.

May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.

May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.

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*2020 May ShortStout_PMI JPEG_Page_4.jpg
*2020 May ShortStout_PMI JPEG_Page_5.jpg

One of the winners of the 2020 ICAN Juried Exhibition Short and Stout!

I am one of the 20 winners of the 2020 ICAN (International Ceramics Artists Network) Juried Exhibition at the field for “Short and Stout” teapots. This year’s juror, Katie Sleyman selected 20 Ceramic works to be included in this year’s exhibition, which will be on display at the ICAN booth (#400 in the convention center) from March 25 - 27 2020, at the NCECA Conference in Richmond, Virginia, USA.

All the Winners.

All the Winners.

Horsehair Raku Mishima Teapot Set.

Horsehair Raku Mishima Teapot Set.

1st Taiwan International Chawan Festival, 2019

Five Chawans of mine participate in the 1st Taiwan International Chawan Festival.
This event will be held from November 1 - November 11, 2019 and is held at the ZHU-NAN Snake kiln in Taiwan.
There is a wonderful program will all kinds of events and travel. Unfortunately, I am not going this year. I visited Taiwan and this beautiful snake kiln last year.

Glazed Horsehair Raku Chawan 1

Glazed Horsehair Raku Chawan 1

“Flower” colored Chawan

“Flower” colored Chawan

“Splashed” Colored Chawan

“Splashed” Colored Chawan

Glazed Horsehair Raku Chawan

Glazed Horsehair Raku Chawan

I did sell at least 3 of my bowls!!! I am happy!

All the participating artists.

All the participating artists.

This weekend is the opening of my gallery and exhibition weekend

This Saturday and Sunday November 17 + 18 quite some dear friends came and I met some very nice new people visiting my new SwanCeramics Art Gallery in my house in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel.
Please, see the pictures of my sign outside and my gallery and workshop. Enjoy!

Sign in my garden

Sign in my garden

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Friend Wilma.

Friend Wilma.

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Galerie Rood en geel.jpg
Red Ware.jpg
Black inlay.jpg
Horsehair Gingko installation.jpg

"Landelijk Atelier weekend" and Opening of SwanCeramics Art Gallery.

Tomorrow and Sunday, Nov 17 + 18, I will open my SwanCeramics Art Gallery officially and participate with the national open studio weekend: “Landelijk Atelier weekend” in which more than 400 galleries participate.
I will be open from 10:00am to 5pm each day and will give throwing demonstrations. Also, you could try yourself if you would like!
I hope you all come and will enjoy my artwork!

I announced the weekend in my village’s newspaper Ouder-Amstel Weekblad and in the neighboring town Amstelveens Nieuwsblad.

The Dutch National Studio weekend 2018.

The Dutch National Studio weekend 2018.

My sign in my yard.

My sign in my yard.

A good start with advertising! :)

A good start with advertising! :)

In the Amstelveen Nieuwsblad.

In the Amstelveen Nieuwsblad.

Opening of Exposition "Praise to Nature" in the National Treemuseum Von Gimborn Arboretum

An opening word by the chairman of the Dutch Ceramic Association.

An opening word by the chairman of the Dutch Ceramic Association.

Yesterday, was the opening of the exposition of "Praise to Nature" (Ode aan de Natuur) in the National Treemuseum Von Gimborn Arboretum in Doorn in the Netherlands.

I participate with my installation of "Rays of Light" Horsehair Raku GINGKO leaves.
It was a beautiful day!! And family and friends came to congratulate me.
Thank you.



To show how tall the leaves are.

To show how tall the leaves are.

Checking: how is it attached?

Checking: how is it attached?

The Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics

Last Friday I went with 2 friends to the Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics in the city Leeuwarden, a 2-hour drive from Amsterdam. It is home to some of the world's most beautiful ceramics. From a world-renowned collection of Chinese porselain to the rich Art Nouveau ceramics collection, artists such as Karel Appel and Picasso and exciting exhibitions with contemporary art and design.


The museum is housed in the 18th-century palace of Marie Louise van Hessen-Kassel, Princess of Orange-Nassau.

Leeuwarden this year 2018 is the European Capital of Culture!

The museum is big and airy and beautiful!
Just look at the pictures!

A Dutch Friesian landscape painted with cobalt like the Delft Blue ware.

A Dutch Friesian landscape painted with cobalt like the Delft Blue ware.

Some beautiful Japanese Satsuma Porcelain ware.

Some beautiful Japanese Satsuma Porcelain ware.

So many beautiful tiles and of course the Dutch ships are magnificent!

So many beautiful tiles and of course the Dutch ships are magnificent!

Some Friesian low fire red clay ware decorated with color slibs.

Some Friesian low fire red clay ware decorated with color slibs.

There was this special IN MOTION Exhibition. The HIGHLIGHT was the installation of Celeste Boursier-Mougenot. it was ASTOUNDING!! He plays on the senses with "Variations" installation, consisting of white porcelain bowls floating in a basin filled with intense blue water. It is a feast for the eyes and interplay of sounds like bells.
Just BEAUTIFUL!!! I forgot to take a picture, but please, watch and listen to this movie!!! https://youtu.be/KdIZDkuBey8

Exposition at the Von Gimborn Arboretum

Yesterday I put my installation of the Raku Horsehair "Rays of Light" GINGKO leaves in the National Treemuseum Von Gimborn Arboretum in Door in the Netherlands. Now, the weather is beautiful and the songs of the many birds around my art work sound so beautiful!


"Rays of Light" Horsehair Raku Gingko Leaves.

"Rays of Light" Horsehair Raku Gingko Leaves.

"Ray of Light" Horsehair Raku Gingko Leaf

"Ray of Light" Horsehair Raku Gingko Leaf

2 Artworks at the Good-bye ceremony of the mayor of Ouderkerk on Dec. 12, 2017.

The city organized a farewell party for the mayor who governed the city of Ouderkerk aan de Amstel for 10 years. Artists who had exhibited in the town hall were asked to bring some works for the festivities.

"Star Galaxy" Raku Glazed Horsehair

"Star Galaxy" Raku Glazed Horsehair

My works in the second entrance to the party.

My works in the second entrance to the party.

The Mayor saying good bye.

The Mayor saying good bye.

"The Birth of a Star" Raku Glazed Horsehair

"The Birth of a Star" Raku Glazed Horsehair

The Mayor singing with the Sailors Choir.

The Mayor singing with the Sailors Choir.

Opening of exposition at Galerie de Pomp, Warmond, Netherlands December 7, 2017 to January 7, 2018.

Tomorrow will be the opening of my exposition at Galerie de Pomp, Dorpsstraat 38, 2361BE Warmond, Netherlands from December 7, 2017 till January 7, 2018. 

We are four artists sharing the space in the beautiful house.

We are four artists sharing the space in the beautiful house.

2017Dec7 Openingstijden Galerie de Pomp.jpg

The gallery is in the old part of the village of Warmond in a very cozy neighborhood. It is attached to the old school house, which is now a great cafe restaurant and next to the old Town Hall, which is also an art gallery.

The Galerie de Pomp and the old school house.

The Galerie de Pomp and the old school house.

The entrance by night.

The entrance by night.

My artworks in the gallery.

CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO THE RIGHT: it is a carousel of pictures!!!!

Two dear friends at the opening: Joke Mol and Marian Hoffer.

Two dear friends at the opening: Joke Mol and Marian Hoffer.

Marian van Tol-Vink playing during the reception! Thank you.

Marian van Tol-Vink playing during the reception! Thank you.

Clara Sikking the gallery owner and paintress Ingrid van Polen.Thank you so much Clara!

Clara Sikking the gallery owner and paintress Ingrid van Polen.
Thank you so much Clara!

Opening of the International Ceramics Tea Ware Expo on November 5, 2017

Last Sunday was the opening of "the International Ceramic Tea Ware Expo" in Utrecht in the "Keramisch Atelier" of Brigitte Reuter in Utrecht. The Expo was curated by Lou Smedts and Brigitte had done a wonderful job with the creation of a wonderful exposition in her gallery.

Brigitte Reuter opened the exposition.

Brigitte Reuter opened the exposition.

Lou Smedts opening the exposition.

Lou Smedts opening the exposition.

Gilbert Ishin playing the lute at the opening of the exposition.

Some of the beautiful art works!    Please, click on this carousel for more images!

World Ceramic Craft & Art biennale in Belgium: “Bottles and Boxes”

It has been a while that I posted a blog.
But this time I will try to keep it up especially now that I created my new website which makes it easier to see my art and follow my entries.


Today, I will go to Vichte in Belgium to show some of my Glazed Horsehair Bottles in this exhibition and to attend the congress of lectures, movies and outings with many interesting ceramic artists from over the world.