My art work of “Horsehair-Raku-Mishima Soul Disk” is included in the new booklet from the “JaKunst” (YesArt) organization titled: Tussen realiteit en Verbeelding / Between reality and imagination.
New artworks
I made some new work: the Mishima inlay technique combined with the Horsehair Raku burning and spraying of Ferric Chloride. I cut my designs with a knife for getting the straight lines (not easy with the added grog in the clay) and with some other fine cutting tools I take off a layer of 1 - 2 mm of the white clay. I fill in this space with black clay. Of course, the clay is leather hard and I may even wet it a little more to get good adherence. I tested different kinds of clay to get the same shrinkage rate.
Soul Disk 1
Front or back of Soul Disk 1
Soul Disks
Small Soul Disks
Soul Disks
Soul Disks
Soul Disks
Soul Disks
Article of "SHORT and STOUT" ICAN Exhibition in Pottery Illustrated Magazine
My teapot “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot is included in an article in the Pottery Making Illustrated magazine of the May/June 2020 issue. Due to the cancellation of the NCECA conference end of March 2020, where the teapots would have be shown, they have chosen to showcase the 20 amazing teapots, chosen by editor and ceramic artist Katie Sleyman, in the magazine Pottery Making Illustrated. They have paired the teapots with Ivor Lewis’ article that elaborates on the important considerations of making each part of the teapot.
Please, enjoy the article and beautiful teapots.
"Originally published in Pottery Making Illustrated, May/June 2020. Copyright, The American Ceramic Society. Reprinted with permission."
May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.
May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.
One of the winners of the 2020 ICAN Juried Exhibition Short and Stout!
I am one of the 20 winners of the 2020 ICAN (International Ceramics Artists Network) Juried Exhibition at the field for “Short and Stout” teapots. This year’s juror, Katie Sleyman selected 20 Ceramic works to be included in this year’s exhibition, which will be on display at the ICAN booth (#400 in the convention center) from March 25 - 27 2020, at the NCECA Conference in Richmond, Virginia, USA.
All the Winners.
Horsehair Raku Mishima Teapot Set.