I am part of a subgroup of the IAC: the IAC BENELUX group (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg). This group organized this exhibition and we are very busy with the organization of many other exhibitions in Europe. This was our first exhibition together and the theme was called: “Fusion of Vision”. The exposition was set up at the conference center in Caldas da Rainha and was beautifully done.
"Azulejo" IAC Members Exposition in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
There was a members TILE exposition of the IAC during the conference in the conference hall in Caldas da Rainha. The tile needed to be 20cm x 20cm with the colors white and blue. Everyone had done an exquisite job and it looked great on the wall.
Groups exposition at DeNieuweGalerie, Amstelveen
Some of my Horsehair Raku works are included in the summer groups exhibition at TheNewGallery in Amstelveen, The Netherlands.
It is a beautiful exhibition at the mall of “Stadshart” in Amstelveen. If you have some time leftover this summer, please, come and enjoy the gallery.
New work at the Brabant Art Fair in Tilburg 2024
OP 16 EN 17 MAART 2024
Please, join me at ART EINDHOVEN, an art fair, on Saturday the 3rd and Sunday the 4th of February 2024 in the “Klokgebouw” in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
It is open from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm.
The “Klokgebouw” is the old Philips factory. The industrial and nostalgic surrounding gives ART EINDHOVEN the right atmosphere.
More than 130 selected, juried artists show their most beautiful works.
The code for you to get a reduction or free ticket is AE24DLN and the link is: www.arteindhoven.nl/bezoeken/
Exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery
Off to a good start of the new year 2024 with the opening yesterday of the exhibition at the Dutch luxury Design Gallery!!
Unfortunately, it will be the last exhibition because the gallery will close, but they will continue online where you can see and buy all my artworks.
The exhibition is until March 17, 2024.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.
This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau from the Netherlands.
AAF Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam 2023
I would like to invite you to come to the Affordable Art Fair 2023 in Amsterdam where I am part with 5 other artists of “De Nieuwe Galerie” of the Amstelland Artgroup.
The fair is from November 1 - November 5, 2023.
It is open from:
Wednesday November 1, 17:00 - 22:00 (Official opening)
Public Days:
Thursday November 2, 12:00 - 21:30
Friday November 3, 12:00 - 21:30
Saturday November 4, 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday November 5, 11:00 - 18:00.
The address is:
De Kromhouthal, Gedempt Hamerkanaal 231, 1021 KP, Amsterdam
I have an exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from October 1 - December 30, 2023.
My artwork will also be online for a whole year to enjoy and to buy.
Yesterday, was the opening of the exhibition on October 8, 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.
This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau from the Netherlands.
Open Atelier!!
Sat, Sep 23 - Mon, Sep 25, 2023
I join a National Open Atelier weekend on Sept 23, 24 and 25 in collaboration with the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery, where I have my work.
We are open from 11am to 5pm.
Please, drop by if you are in the neighborhood. You can find info in my contact link here on my website.
Exposition at the 2nd Taiwan International CHAWAN Festival
I participate in the 2nd Taiwan Chawan Festival from Sept 8 - Sept 17 with 5 chawans.
Look on their website to all the beautiful chawans, teabowls: https://en.twcca.com.tw/products/all/2.htm
Exposition at the Van Aerden garden, Netherlands
Today, I set up my installation of my “Gingko Horsehair Raku leaves” at the Mrs. Van Aerden garden in Leerdam, the Netherlands in a group exhibition called “GROEI/GROWTH”.
The address is: Hofje van Mevrouw Van Aerden, Kerkstraat 67, 4141AV, Leerdam, Netherlands. It is open: Wo till Sat 1pm - 5pm and from July 26 till September 10, 2023.
Exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery
I have an exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from July 1 - September 30, 2023.
My artwork will also be online for a whole year to enjoy and to buy.
Yesterday, was the opening of the exhibition on July 9, 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.
This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau from the Netherlands.
Online Netherlands-Korea Ceramics Exhibition 2023
My work the “Red Trumpeteer” Slipware Vase is in the online exhibition of Korean and Dutch Ceramic Artists from June 1 - August 31, 2023.
It is an exhibition from the Hanyang Ciber University, a virtual university in Seoul, South Korea.
Cobra Museum en Open Ateliers Amstelveen 2023
Mijn atelier is open op 17 en 18 Juni voor de Open Ateliers Amstelveen 2023 route van 11 uur tot 17 uur georganiseerd door de Amstelland Kunst groep.
Voorafgaand en gedurende is er een CENTRALE EXPOSITIE van de kunstroute deelnemers in het
COBRA MUSEUM in Amstelveen van Vrijdag 9 Juni tot en met Zondag 18 Juni 2023.
Kom alsjeblieft naar het prachtige COBRA MUSEUM die 75 jaar bestaat en geniet van de vele open ateliers!!!
My workshop is open on June 17 and June 18 for the “Open Ateliers Amstelveen 2023” tour from 11am to 5 pm organised by the Amstelland Kunst groep.
Before and at the same time, there is a CENTRAL EXPOSITION of the participants of the Open workshop tour in the COBRA MUSEUM from Friday June 9 to Sunday June 18, 2023.
Please, come to the beautiful museum which celebrates 75 years existence and enjoy the many open workshops!!!
I will have an exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from April 1 - June 30, 2023.
My artwork will be online for a whole year to enjoy and to buy.
The opening of the exhibition is on April 10, 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm; 14 hours to 17 hours.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.
This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau.
De expositie “Ode aan de Natuur”, georganiseerd door de Werkgroep Ode, is geopend in het Nationaal Bomenmuseum Gimborn Arboretum van 8 April tot 4 Juni, 2023.
Voor de 5de keer wordt deze keramiek expositie georganiseerd in de prachtige bomentuin van het museum. 43 keramisten tonen ruim 100 recente werken.
Ik sta daar met drie grote vazen bewerkt met de gegraveerde slipware techniek.
Het is dagelijks geopend van 9.00 tot 19.00 uur. Tussen 11.00 en 17.00 uur geeft een exposant desgevraagd uitleg over de keramiek.
The Dutch Workgroup “Ode” and the National Tree Museum Gimborn organize together for the 5th time a ceramic exposition in this beautiful tree garden of the museum from April 8 to June 4, 2023. 43 ceramic artists show about 100 pieces of work with the theme “Ode to Nature”.
Expositie in DeNieuweGalerie in Stadshart Amstelveen
Mijn Emotie vazen staan deze maand in DeNieuweGalerie, wat een pop-up galerie is van de AmstellandKunst groep. Dit is een platform voor beroepskunstenaars die werkzaam zijn in de regio Amstelland met inbegrip van Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Haarlem en Ouderkerk aan de Amstel.
DeNieuweGalerie exposeert het werk van 11 kunstenaars in het Stadshart van Amstelveen (nummer 109, tegenover Paprika en naast de Foot Locker winkels). Daarnaast is er een ‘salonwand’ met veelal klein werk van circa 30 kunstenaars.
Deze expositie is van 27 Maart - 30 April, 2023 met de openings uren van het winkel centrum voor elke dag van 10:00 uur - 18:00 uur, behalve Maandags van 12:00 - 18:00 uur.
My Emotion Artwork is in an exposition in “DeNieuweGalerie”. This is a pop-up gallery of the “AmstellandKunst” artists. It represents professional artists from the “Amstelland” region including Amsterdam, Haarlem, Amstelveen and Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. DeNieuweGalerie shows the work of 11 artists in the “Stadshart of Amstelveen” (a shopping mall). The exposition also includes a “Salon Wall” with small works: one of about 30 artists.
Brabant Art Fair Tilburg 18 + 19 March 2023.
Sat, Mar 18, 20236:00 AM Sun, Mar 19, 20237:30 PM
Mijn expositie kun je vinden op de Brabant Art Fair, in de Koepelhal in de stad Tilburg op Zaterdag 18 Maart en Zondag 19 Maart van 11.00 tot 17.30 uur.
Ruim 100 geselecteerde kunstenaars tonen hun mooiste werken in een unieke sfeer en inspirerende omgeving. U kunt genieten van boeiende kunstwerken, van een glaasje wijn, een frisdrankje of een kopje koffie of thee en uiteraard ook van de passende entourage. In het weekend van 18 en 19 maart, van 11.00 tot 17.30 uur, is de Koepelhal in Tilburg even de grootste en mooiste galerie van Nederland.
Kom alstublieft en geniet van de uitgebreide selectie van kunstwerken!!!
You can find my exposition at the Brabant Art Fair in the Koepelhal in the city Tilburg on Saturday March 18 and Sunday March 19, 2023 from 11am - 5.30 pm.
About 100 selected artists show their most beautiful art in a unique atmosphere and inspiring environment with delicious refreshments.
Please, come and enjoy all different kinds of artworks!!!
ART EINDHOVEN Feb 4 + 5, 2023
Please, join me at ART EINDHOVEN, an art fair, on Saturday the 4th and Sunday the 5th of February 2023 in the “Klokgebouw” in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
The “Klokgebouw” is the old Philips factory. The industrial and nostalgic surrounding gives ART EINDHOVEN the right atmosphere.
More than 130 selected, juried artists show their most beautiful works.
We also will announce the winner of the Painting of the Year and the National Ceramic Award.
ART EINDHOVEN is open both days from 11 am to 17:30pm.
LUSTRUM Expositie Nov 25, 26, 27, 2022
Come all to the 15 year Anniversary “Lustrum” Exposition of the “AmstellandKunst” artists group!!!
It is from November 25 to 27!! The opening is on Nov 25 from 5 to 7pm.
Saturday and Sunday we are open from 11- 5pm.
The address is: Loods 6, KNSM-Laan 143, 1019 LB, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.