2025 Art Fair Eindhoven

This year 2025 I will again participate at the Art Eindhoven Fair on February 8 and 9 from 11am - 5 pm. I will exhibit my colorful slipware, especially the Blue slipware with the Excellence Yixing China prize winning “Swan Teapot”!!



“Swan Teapot and Cup” Blue Slipware.

“Water-of-Life” Slipware Plate

The booth from last year. Now I will only show slipware and not the Horsehair Raku. That will be in March at the Brabant Art Fair.

Featured in Dutch Yearbook: JAARBOEK KUNSTENAARS 24


In this thirteenth edition approximately 150 Dutch visual artists present themselves. This yearbook offers an overview of contemporary artists, painters, sculptors and artists with other disciplines. This book will be consulted by art lovers as a practical reference and will initiated publications and discussions.

On the cover art form the artist winner of the year 2023 Barbara Nanning.

My personal page.

Exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery

I have an exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from July 1 - September 30, 2023.

My artwork will also be online for a whole year to enjoy and to buy.

Yesterday, was the opening of the exhibition on July 9, 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.



This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau from the Netherlands.

The Green Trumpeteer in the jeweler’s store on the first floor.

“Spread your Wings” Horsehair Raku.

3 Gingko leaf sculptures.

2 Trumpeteer slipware vases.

The “KissieKiss” emotion vases in the window of the jeweler’s store.

3 Emotion Vase Sculptures: “Comforting”, “Loving”, and “Feeling Happy”.

“Embrace” emotion sculpture in glass cabinet.

Online Netherlands-Korea Ceramics Exhibition 2023

My work the “Red Trumpeteer” Slipware Vase is in the online exhibition of Korean and Dutch Ceramic Artists from June 1 - August 31, 2023.
It is an exhibition from the Hanyang Ciber University, a virtual university in Seoul, South Korea.

“Red Trumpeteer” Slipware Vase.

On the website.

The website.


I will have an exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from April 1 - June 30, 2023.

My artwork will be online for a whole year to enjoy and to buy.

The opening of the exhibition is on April 10, 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm; 14 hours to 17 hours.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.



This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau.

Horsehair Raku Ginko leaves, “Embrace” Emotion Vases.

Horsehair Raku “Spread your Wings”.

“Comforting” and “Happy Together” Emotion Slipware Vases.

“Trumpeteer” Slipware Vases.

Received "Honorable Mention" for my Trumpeteer Vases

We congratulate you with an Honorable Mention from the jury of the “JaKunst” Organization. This organization promotes the Arts through expositions, competitions, lectures, publications, workshops etc to bring artists in the news and make them known to the people. Yearly 40 artists will get this nomination for their outstanding work.

I received the honorable mention for my “Trumpeteer” Vases.

Met veel plezier feliciteren we u nogmaals met de toekenning van een Eervolle Vermelding!
Jaarlijks kent de Beoordelingscommissie van Jakunst, maximaal veertig Eervolle Vermeldingen toe aan kunstenaars waarvan de leden van de Beoordelingscommissie van mening zijn dat zij uitzonderlijke kunst maken.

Kunstenaars met een Eervolle Vermelding worden met alle egards op de website van Jakunst vermeld. U bent al vermeld: https://jakunst.nl/eervolle-vermeldingen. U maakt deel uit van een selecte groep van hooggewaardeerde Nederlandse kunstenaars. Wij zijn van mening dat u en de andere kunstenaars waaraan een Eervolle Vermelding is toegekend, extra aandacht verdienen bij kunstliefhebbers, kopers en -verzamelaars. En daar zorgen wij voor, met name met verschillende publicaties en een aan uw onderscheiding verbonden publieksverkiezing.

Later dit jaar krijgt u nog nadere berichten over uw Eervolle Vermelding. Met name ook over de aan uw onderscheiding verbonden publieksverkiezing. Voor nu rest ons u nogmaals te feliciteren met de onderstreepte waardering voor uw werk.

Neon-Blue Trumpeteer 38cm/15” high; Green Trumpeteer 50cm/19.5” high; Pink Trumpeteer 31cm/12” high.