2025 Art Fair Eindhoven

This year 2025 I will again participate at the Art Eindhoven Fair on February 8 and 9 from 11am - 5 pm. I will exhibit my colorful slipware, especially the Blue slipware with the Excellence Yixing China prize winning “Swan Teapot”!!



“Swan Teapot and Cup” Blue Slipware.

“Water-of-Life” Slipware Plate

The booth from last year. Now I will only show slipware and not the Horsehair Raku. That will be in March at the Brabant Art Fair.

Exposition at the 2nd Taiwan International CHAWAN Festival

I participate in the 2nd Taiwan Chawan Festival from Sept 8 - Sept 17 with 5 chawans.
Look on their website to all the beautiful chawans, teabowls: https://en.twcca.com.tw/products/all/2.htm

Green-Black Slipware Chawan.

Yellow-Blue Slipware Chawan.

Pink-Blue Slipware Chawan.

Kamakura-Red Sakura 2 Chawan.

Kamakura-Red Sakura 1 Chawan.

Received "Honorable Mention" for my Trumpeteer Vases

We congratulate you with an Honorable Mention from the jury of the “JaKunst” Organization. This organization promotes the Arts through expositions, competitions, lectures, publications, workshops etc to bring artists in the news and make them known to the people. Yearly 40 artists will get this nomination for their outstanding work.

I received the honorable mention for my “Trumpeteer” Vases.

Met veel plezier feliciteren we u nogmaals met de toekenning van een Eervolle Vermelding!
Jaarlijks kent de Beoordelingscommissie van Jakunst, maximaal veertig Eervolle Vermeldingen toe aan kunstenaars waarvan de leden van de Beoordelingscommissie van mening zijn dat zij uitzonderlijke kunst maken.

Kunstenaars met een Eervolle Vermelding worden met alle egards op de website van Jakunst vermeld. U bent al vermeld: https://jakunst.nl/eervolle-vermeldingen. U maakt deel uit van een selecte groep van hooggewaardeerde Nederlandse kunstenaars. Wij zijn van mening dat u en de andere kunstenaars waaraan een Eervolle Vermelding is toegekend, extra aandacht verdienen bij kunstliefhebbers, kopers en -verzamelaars. En daar zorgen wij voor, met name met verschillende publicaties en een aan uw onderscheiding verbonden publieksverkiezing.

Later dit jaar krijgt u nog nadere berichten over uw Eervolle Vermelding. Met name ook over de aan uw onderscheiding verbonden publieksverkiezing. Voor nu rest ons u nogmaals te feliciteren met de onderstreepte waardering voor uw werk.

Neon-Blue Trumpeteer 38cm/15” high; Green Trumpeteer 50cm/19.5” high; Pink Trumpeteer 31cm/12” high.

The IAC/AIC Conference in Geneva Switzerland from Sept 11 - Sept 20, 2022.

This September, I participated in the International Academy of Ceramics (AIC/IAC) 50th congress, "Melting Pot", in the field of ceramics today and will discus questions of identity and interaction from Sept. 12-20, 2022, held in the International Conference Center (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland. We were altogether around 300 people from 77 countries. The International Academy of Ceramics is the principal organization representing the interests of ceramists worldwide.

The 5-day program will consist of professional and academic lectures given by specialists in various fields related to the theme, debate sessions, the opening night of the international exhibition at the Ariana Museum, inaugurations and visits to exhibitions.

Fountain in the Lac Leman in Geneva.

The “L’ecole des Arts Decoratifs” the ceramic direction I attended for 2 years in Geneva. It’s now called ”Haute Ecole des Arts Decoratifs”.

The “Mont Blanc” from across the lake.

New members announcement on a tv screen.

The first two days were filled with keynote and member lectures.
On the first night, there were three exhibition openings at the Ariana Museum , the only museum in Switzerland devoted entirely to kilncraft and so filled with worldwide ceramics and glass. Along with some excellent conference presentations, we enjoyed festivities in this museum.
On the second night we visited galleries and museum in the heart of Geneva’s Old Town.

Inside the Ariana Museum.

Opening of the exhibition in the Ariana Museum.

At the Ariana Museum.

A beautiful plate at the Arian Museum.

I received my acceptance diploma: a welcome as a new member in the IAC/AIC.

On Wednesday the General Assembly was held with a visit to the Palais des Nations (United Nations) in the afternoon with two exhibition openings. In the evening it was UNESCO night.

Visiting the United Nations.

Plate exposition at the United Nations.

The United Nations: 179 flags/nations.

Installation exposition at the United Nations.

General Assembly.

Broken Leg Chair in front of United Nations symbolizing both fragility and strength, imbalance and stability, violence and dignity.

The next day we had a bus excursion. It included the opening reception of the 1st half of the exhibition of, "Melting Pot: National SwissCeramics", at the Museum of Art and History of Neuchâtel (MahN). Then, a guided tour at La Ferme des Tilleuls, Renens: “Materia”. Finally, the exhibition opening at the Château de Nyon: “Melting Pot: Swissceramics National Exhibition” (2nd part) with dinner at the chateau. The view from the chateau was spectacular.

Inside hall staircase MahN Museum.

Opening exposition at Mahn Museum.

One of the many art works.

Aline Favre: She was my teacher at the L’ecole des Arts Decoratifs and many more art works.

Artist Danielle.

La Ferme des Tilleuls: artist Danielle.

One of many artworks: Art work from Claudia at the chateau.

View from the Chateau de Nyon.

Many teapots from one artist.

We had round table discussions on Friday morning and the afternoon was free to visit galleries.
The closing dinner of the 50th IAC Congress at the Institut Florimont on Friday evening was a huge success: well attended with good food and dancing.

All day Saturday many galleries throughout the city, especially Carouge, exhibited a variety of ceramics with receptions with exhibition openings that various groups visited on a walking tours. Overall, there were more than 30 exhibitions in national and private museums, art galleries and historical or contemporary institutions.

One art work I liked at one of the expositions at Carouge.

One art work I liked at one of the expositions at Carouge.

One art work I liked at one of the expositions at Carouge.

“Bling Bling” exposition at Carouge: Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos by Stephanie.

“Bling, Bling” Exposition

“Bling Bling” exposition at Carouge: Shamai

“Bling Bling” exposition at Carouge

On Monday, Sept. 19, there was an all day excursion provided by SwissCeramics. It included 25 people, who took advantage of the opportunity to visit outside Geneva. We visited museums and galleries in Yverdons-les Bains and Prangins, plus enjoyed a delightful lunch and dinner together.

I had a great time and was glad to be back in Switzerland after 45 years. It was wonderful to see many ceramist friends from around the world.

On our way to Neuchatel.

Chateau d’Echandens, the village in lived in.

On our way.

Acceptance into the International Academy of Ceramics

I'm accepted into the IAC:

"It is our great pleasure and honor to announce that your application has been accepted. We welcome you as a new Member of the International Academy of Ceramics. We congratulate you on this achievement which rewards your passion for ceramics."

I feel thankful for all my supporters and jurors in helping me become a member of the IAC.

The IAC has its headquarters in Geneva. It was founded in 1952. It connects artists in the field of ceramics, designers, galleries in 74 countries across all continents.

The goal of the IAC is to stimulate friendship and communication between professionals in the field of ceramics in all countries. The IAC develops and encourages all forms of international cooperation to promote ceramics and to encourage and maintain production at the highest level of quality in all ceramic cultures.

I studied there for my ceramics for a couple of years in 1981 at the school Les Arts Decoratifs: 40 years ago! Next year, it will be the 70th anniversary and 50th congress of the organization and so it is wonderful to go back there and be part of the exhibition and the conference!