Groups exposition at DeNieuweGalerie, Amstelveen

Some of my Horsehair Raku works are included in the summer groups exhibition at TheNewGallery in Amstelveen, The Netherlands.
It is a beautiful exhibition at the mall of “Stadshart” in Amstelveen. If you have some time leftover this summer, please, come and enjoy the gallery.

The groups exposition.

"The “Gingko” Leaves in the window.

The”Mars” bowl and “Swanflower” plate: Horsehair Raku decoration.

The “Flower” Horsehair Raku Bowl.

Exposition at the 2nd Taiwan International CHAWAN Festival

I participate in the 2nd Taiwan Chawan Festival from Sept 8 - Sept 17 with 5 chawans.
Look on their website to all the beautiful chawans, teabowls:

Green-Black Slipware Chawan.

Yellow-Blue Slipware Chawan.

Pink-Blue Slipware Chawan.

Kamakura-Red Sakura 2 Chawan.

Kamakura-Red Sakura 1 Chawan.

LUSTRUM Expositie Nov 25, 26, 27, 2022

Come all to the 15 year Anniversary “Lustrum” Exposition of the “AmstellandKunst” artists group!!!
It is from November 25 to 27!! The opening is on Nov 25 from 5 to 7pm.
Saturday and Sunday we are open from 11- 5pm.
The address is: Loods 6, KNSM-Laan 143, 1019 LB, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Start of Affordable Art Fair Oktober 26

Yesterday evening, we had a great opening of our gallery “denieuwegalerie” from the “Amstelland Art Group”. There were many people even until closing time 10pm/22 hours at the Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The whole groups of seven from “denieuwegalerie”: Hanae, Pascale, Annette, Astrid, Jet, Desiree and I.

My Slipware work and Horsehair Raku work.