"Azulejo" IAC Members Exposition in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal

There was a members TILE exposition of the IAC during the conference in the conference hall in Caldas da Rainha. The tile needed to be 20cm x 20cm with the colors white and blue. Everyone had done an exquisite job and it looked great on the wall.

Tiles suitcase exhibition from the participating conference IAC members.

My “Star” Tile.

IAC Conference in Portugal 2024

I was at the 51st Congress of the IAC International Academy of Ceramics in Caldas da Rainha and Alcobaca in Portugal from September 12 - 24 with about 300 people from 50 nations. It’s all about ceramics, members meeting, presentations, lectures and exhibitions. Before and after the conference was a pre-tour south of Caldas da Rainha and after-tour north of Caldas da Rainha, which I both joined. It was about Portugese culture and ceramics and especially the tiles: Azelujos!! And don’t forget the delicious cultivated wines in Portugal.


4 days of meetings and presentations

Lots of members

Manu, many beautiful tiles!

Many, many potters and their art.

Small figurine. So many!

Many beautiful churches.

Roman temple of Diana.

Castle with bull riding ring.

Pot Museum

Tiled church outside and in.

Groups exposition at DeNieuweGalerie, Amstelveen

Some of my Horsehair Raku works are included in the summer groups exhibition at TheNewGallery in Amstelveen, The Netherlands.
It is a beautiful exhibition at the mall of “Stadshart” in Amstelveen. If you have some time leftover this summer, please, come and enjoy the gallery.

The groups exposition.

"The “Gingko” Leaves in the window.

The”Mars” bowl and “Swanflower” plate: Horsehair Raku decoration.

The “Flower” Horsehair Raku Bowl.

New artworks

I made some new work: the Mishima inlay technique combined with the Horsehair Raku burning and spraying of Ferric Chloride. I cut my designs with a knife for getting the straight lines (not easy with the added grog in the clay) and with some other fine cutting tools I take off a layer of 1 - 2 mm of the white clay. I fill in this space with black clay. Of course, the clay is leather hard and I may even wet it a little more to get good adherence. I tested different kinds of clay to get the same shrinkage rate.

Soul Disk 1

Front or back of Soul Disk 1

Soul Disks

Small Soul Disks

Soul Disks

Soul Disks

Soul Disks

Soul Disks

New work at the Brabant Art Fair in Tilburg 2024


OP 16 EN 17 MAART 2024


Bowl “Water-of-Life” Slipware

“Water-of-Life” Slipware Plate

“Water-of-Life” Slipware Vase 2

“Water-of-Life” Waterfall Slipware Vase

“Water-of-Life” Slipware Vase

My booth number 15.


Please, join me at ART EINDHOVEN, an art fair, on Saturday the 3rd and Sunday the 4th of February 2024 in the “Klokgebouw” in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

It is open from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm.
The “Klokgebouw” is the old Philips factory. The industrial and nostalgic surrounding gives ART EINDHOVEN the right atmosphere.
More than 130 selected, juried artists show their most beautiful works.


The code for you to get a reduction or free ticket is AE24DLN and the link is: www.arteindhoven.nl/bezoeken/

Glazed Horsehair Raku, 3 handles vase.

“Water-of-Life” Slipware Plate.

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Vase.

My booth 115

Exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery

Off to a good start of the new year 2024 with the opening yesterday of the exhibition at the Dutch luxury Design Gallery!!
Unfortunately, it will be the last exhibition because the gallery will close, but they will continue online where you can see and buy all my artworks.
The exhibition is until March 17, 2024.

The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.



This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau from the Netherlands.

Kamakura-Red and Yellow artworks.

Yellow Tripod

Kamakura-Red Bamboo Plate

Exposition at the 2nd Taiwan International CHAWAN Festival

I participate in the 2nd Taiwan Chawan Festival from Sept 8 - Sept 17 with 5 chawans.
Look on their website to all the beautiful chawans, teabowls: https://en.twcca.com.tw/products/all/2.htm

Green-Black Slipware Chawan.

Yellow-Blue Slipware Chawan.

Pink-Blue Slipware Chawan.

Kamakura-Red Sakura 2 Chawan.

Kamakura-Red Sakura 1 Chawan.

On Cover and included in Booklet of "Kunst van alle Kanten"


22 Dutch artists are showing their most beautiful works in a booklet “Art from all sides” made by the “JaKunst” organization directed by David Polak. JaKunst = YesArt!

My “Cosmos” Slipware plate on the cover.

My “Cosmos” Slipware Vase in the booklet.

Inside the cover: “Cosmos” Slipware plate.

Online Netherlands-Korea Ceramics Exhibition 2023

My work the “Red Trumpeteer” Slipware Vase is in the online exhibition of Korean and Dutch Ceramic Artists from June 1 - August 31, 2023.
It is an exhibition from the Hanyang Ciber University, a virtual university in Seoul, South Korea.

“Red Trumpeteer” Slipware Vase.

On the website.

The website.


I will have an exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from April 1 - June 30, 2023.

My artwork will be online for a whole year to enjoy and to buy.

The opening of the exhibition is on April 10, 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm; 14 hours to 17 hours.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.



This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau.

Horsehair Raku Ginko leaves, “Embrace” Emotion Vases.

Horsehair Raku “Spread your Wings”.

“Comforting” and “Happy Together” Emotion Slipware Vases.

“Trumpeteer” Slipware Vases.


De expositie “Ode aan de Natuur”, georganiseerd door de Werkgroep Ode, is geopend in het Nationaal Bomenmuseum Gimborn Arboretum van 8 April tot 4 Juni, 2023.
Voor de 5de keer wordt deze keramiek expositie georganiseerd in de prachtige bomentuin van het museum. 43 keramisten tonen ruim 100 recente werken.

Ik sta daar met drie grote vazen bewerkt met de gegraveerde slipware techniek.

Het is dagelijks geopend van 9.00 tot 19.00 uur. Tussen 11.00 en 17.00 uur geeft een exposant desgevraagd uitleg over de keramiek.

The Dutch Workgroup “Ode” and the National Tree Museum Gimborn organize together for the 5th time a ceramic exposition in this beautiful tree garden of the museum from April 8 to June 4, 2023. 43 ceramic artists show about 100 pieces of work with the theme “Ode to Nature”.

Information flyer.

“Tulipa”, '“poppy”, “Iris” Slipware Vases

“Poppy”, “Iris”, “Tulipa” Slipware vases.



22 Dutch Ceramic and Glass artists showing their most beautiful works in a booklet “Ceramics and Glass, Art with Character” made by the “Jakunst-team” directed by David Polak.

Cover of “Keramiek en Glas” cover

Inside of Cover.

Inside the booklet.

LUSTRUM Expositie Nov 25, 26, 27, 2022

Come all to the 15 year Anniversary “Lustrum” Exposition of the “AmstellandKunst” artists group!!!
It is from November 25 to 27!! The opening is on Nov 25 from 5 to 7pm.
Saturday and Sunday we are open from 11- 5pm.
The address is: Loods 6, KNSM-Laan 143, 1019 LB, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Start of Affordable Art Fair Oktober 26

Yesterday evening, we had a great opening of our gallery “denieuwegalerie” from the “Amstelland Art Group”. There were many people even until closing time 10pm/22 hours at the Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The whole groups of seven from “denieuwegalerie”: Hanae, Pascale, Annette, Astrid, Jet, Desiree and I.

My Slipware work and Horsehair Raku work.

The 2nd Opening of the Dutch Luxury Design Exposition

Some pictures of how my work is presented at the Dutch Luxury Design store: https://dutchluxurydesign.com/nl/onze-kunstenaars/swanica-ligtenberg
The opening was on October 9, 2022 until the end of December. And always online.

Reception opening with my “Caldera” Horsehair Plate on the table.

Reception opening of the exposition.

Kamakura-Red Bamboo Plate.

Kamakura-Red Hokusai Wave Plate, “Saute” Slipware Sculpture, “Pirouette” Slipware Sculpture.

Kamakura-Red FLower-of-Life Plate.

“%-Petals” Horsehair Raku Bowl, “Tip-Toe” Slipware Sculpture, “Dancing Shoes” Slipware Sculpture.

“Iris” Slipware vase and “Poppy” Slipware Vase.

“Mars” Horsehair Raku Plate and Kintsugi Slipware Vase.

The IAC/AIC Conference in Geneva Switzerland from Sept 11 - Sept 20, 2022.

This September, I participated in the International Academy of Ceramics (AIC/IAC) 50th congress, "Melting Pot", in the field of ceramics today and will discus questions of identity and interaction from Sept. 12-20, 2022, held in the International Conference Center (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland. We were altogether around 300 people from 77 countries. The International Academy of Ceramics is the principal organization representing the interests of ceramists worldwide.

The 5-day program will consist of professional and academic lectures given by specialists in various fields related to the theme, debate sessions, the opening night of the international exhibition at the Ariana Museum, inaugurations and visits to exhibitions.

Fountain in the Lac Leman in Geneva.

The “L’ecole des Arts Decoratifs” the ceramic direction I attended for 2 years in Geneva. It’s now called ”Haute Ecole des Arts Decoratifs”.

The “Mont Blanc” from across the lake.

New members announcement on a tv screen.

The first two days were filled with keynote and member lectures.
On the first night, there were three exhibition openings at the Ariana Museum , the only museum in Switzerland devoted entirely to kilncraft and so filled with worldwide ceramics and glass. Along with some excellent conference presentations, we enjoyed festivities in this museum.
On the second night we visited galleries and museum in the heart of Geneva’s Old Town.

Inside the Ariana Museum.

Opening of the exhibition in the Ariana Museum.

At the Ariana Museum.

A beautiful plate at the Arian Museum.

I received my acceptance diploma: a welcome as a new member in the IAC/AIC.

On Wednesday the General Assembly was held with a visit to the Palais des Nations (United Nations) in the afternoon with two exhibition openings. In the evening it was UNESCO night.

Visiting the United Nations.

Plate exposition at the United Nations.

The United Nations: 179 flags/nations.

Installation exposition at the United Nations.

General Assembly.

Broken Leg Chair in front of United Nations symbolizing both fragility and strength, imbalance and stability, violence and dignity.

The next day we had a bus excursion. It included the opening reception of the 1st half of the exhibition of, "Melting Pot: National SwissCeramics", at the Museum of Art and History of Neuchâtel (MahN). Then, a guided tour at La Ferme des Tilleuls, Renens: “Materia”. Finally, the exhibition opening at the Château de Nyon: “Melting Pot: Swissceramics National Exhibition” (2nd part) with dinner at the chateau. The view from the chateau was spectacular.

Inside hall staircase MahN Museum.

Opening exposition at Mahn Museum.

One of the many art works.

Aline Favre: She was my teacher at the L’ecole des Arts Decoratifs and many more art works.

Artist Danielle.

La Ferme des Tilleuls: artist Danielle.

One of many artworks: Art work from Claudia at the chateau.

View from the Chateau de Nyon.

Many teapots from one artist.

We had round table discussions on Friday morning and the afternoon was free to visit galleries.
The closing dinner of the 50th IAC Congress at the Institut Florimont on Friday evening was a huge success: well attended with good food and dancing.

All day Saturday many galleries throughout the city, especially Carouge, exhibited a variety of ceramics with receptions with exhibition openings that various groups visited on a walking tours. Overall, there were more than 30 exhibitions in national and private museums, art galleries and historical or contemporary institutions.

One art work I liked at one of the expositions at Carouge.

One art work I liked at one of the expositions at Carouge.

One art work I liked at one of the expositions at Carouge.

“Bling Bling” exposition at Carouge: Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos by Stephanie.

“Bling, Bling” Exposition

“Bling Bling” exposition at Carouge: Shamai

“Bling Bling” exposition at Carouge

On Monday, Sept. 19, there was an all day excursion provided by SwissCeramics. It included 25 people, who took advantage of the opportunity to visit outside Geneva. We visited museums and galleries in Yverdons-les Bains and Prangins, plus enjoyed a delightful lunch and dinner together.

I had a great time and was glad to be back in Switzerland after 45 years. It was wonderful to see many ceramist friends from around the world.

On our way to Neuchatel.

Chateau d’Echandens, the village in lived in.

On our way.

The process of making a big slipware engraved vase

I started throwing big vases again. I make it from several thrown parts put together. The highest I can go is 26 inch/ 66 cm so, it will fit in the kiln.

Throwing the base on the wheel.

The second part put on the base.

Finished the form.

I put a basic layer of black slip. This gives depth to the decoration.

I draw the lines with a knife and then carve a layer of clay out.

I carve out lines out of the black slip. Then I paint it partly with a blue slip and scratch the line engraving off with a knife.

Scratching off the back.

The second engraving of different size circles.

I put on the pink slip and scratched it partly off.

The “Iris” glazed vase.

The “Trumpet” Vase: black slip base.

The yellow slip over the black slip and engraving.

Scratched off the yellow slip and engraving the bands.

Painting on the green slib on the striped engraving: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/C5mtGFeK_go

Painted and scratched the green slip.

The end result: bisque and clear glaze fired “Trumpet” Vase.

Groeps Expositie in Galerie Tijd voor Kunst

De 10-jarige JUBILEUM expositie loopt van 1 Juli tot 31 September, 2022 voor kunstwerken kleiner dan 10cm.

Het is prachtig opgesteld en interessant!!!

Het adres: Rijngeesterstraatweg 40, Oegstgeest, Nederland.

Gegraveerde slipware Chawan, kopje en doosje.