OP 16 EN 17 MAART 2024
Cobra Museum en Open Ateliers Amstelveen 2023
Mijn atelier is open op 17 en 18 Juni voor de Open Ateliers Amstelveen 2023 route van 11 uur tot 17 uur georganiseerd door de Amstelland Kunst groep.
Voorafgaand en gedurende is er een CENTRALE EXPOSITIE van de kunstroute deelnemers in het
COBRA MUSEUM in Amstelveen van Vrijdag 9 Juni tot en met Zondag 18 Juni 2023.
Kom alsjeblieft naar het prachtige COBRA MUSEUM die 75 jaar bestaat en geniet van de vele open ateliers!!!
My workshop is open on June 17 and June 18 for the “Open Ateliers Amstelveen 2023” tour from 11am to 5 pm organised by the Amstelland Kunst groep.
Before and at the same time, there is a CENTRAL EXPOSITION of the participants of the Open workshop tour in the COBRA MUSEUM from Friday June 9 to Sunday June 18, 2023.
Please, come to the beautiful museum which celebrates 75 years existence and enjoy the many open workshops!!!
Expositie in DeNieuweGalerie in Stadshart Amstelveen
Mijn Emotie vazen staan deze maand in DeNieuweGalerie, wat een pop-up galerie is van de AmstellandKunst groep. Dit is een platform voor beroepskunstenaars die werkzaam zijn in de regio Amstelland met inbegrip van Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Haarlem en Ouderkerk aan de Amstel.
DeNieuweGalerie exposeert het werk van 11 kunstenaars in het Stadshart van Amstelveen (nummer 109, tegenover Paprika en naast de Foot Locker winkels). Daarnaast is er een ‘salonwand’ met veelal klein werk van circa 30 kunstenaars.
Deze expositie is van 27 Maart - 30 April, 2023 met de openings uren van het winkel centrum voor elke dag van 10:00 uur - 18:00 uur, behalve Maandags van 12:00 - 18:00 uur.
My Emotion Artwork is in an exposition in “DeNieuweGalerie”. This is a pop-up gallery of the “AmstellandKunst” artists. It represents professional artists from the “Amstelland” region including Amsterdam, Haarlem, Amstelveen and Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. DeNieuweGalerie shows the work of 11 artists in the “Stadshart of Amstelveen” (a shopping mall). The exposition also includes a “Salon Wall” with small works: one of about 30 artists.
Start of Affordable Art Fair Oktober 26
Yesterday evening, we had a great opening of our gallery “denieuwegalerie” from the “Amstelland Art Group”. There were many people even until closing time 10pm/22 hours at the Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Holiday exposition in Amstelland Museum
I am part of the Holiday exposition at the Amstelland Museum in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands.
We’re open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 13/ 1pm to 16/4pm.
Please, come and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere of the museum and perhaps find some gifts for the Holidays!!! Thank you.
Artworks at Gallery 8 Archer in Tongeren, Belgium
Today, I brought art works to be included in Gallery 8 Archer owned by Nadine Van Oost in the city of Tongeren, the first established town in Belgium. The Romans ran their road, towers and walls through the city. Hence they have a beautiful Gallo-Roman museum and a big statue of the brave Ambiorix who was prince of the Eburones, leader of a Belgic tribe of north-eastern Gaul and a Belgian national hero because of his resistance against Julius Caesar, as written in Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico.
Nadine’s gallery is situated in the center in an old house which she is renovating and the gallery is beautiful!
Art Eindhoven in the Netherlands
Gefeliciteerd! Uw werk is positief geballoteerd voor de digitale presentatie tijdens Art Eindhoven (NABK), Zaterdag 4 en Zondag 5 September 2021.
Uw werken met omschrijvingen worden tijdens de beurs op 4 schermen getoond, u krijgt een vermelding in de catalogus en er wordt 1 werk getoond op de website. Na afloop van de beurs wordt de volledige presentatie van werken gedeeld op Facebook en Instagram.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Art Eindhoven
Congratulations! Your work is accepted in the digital presentation during Art Eindhoven Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 September 2021.
Your works with descriptions will be presented on 4 screens during the exposition, you will be mentioned in the catalogue and 1 work will be shown on the website. Your works will be presented on Facebook and Instagram after the exhibition.
June 2021 Exhibition at the Amstelland Museum
Today, the exposition of some of my yellow-red and red Kamakura-Red works are shown in the Amstelland Museum in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel in the Netherlands.
Finally, the museum can open again and there is a groups exposition of Inge Wiedijk (Paintings and Photography), Jos Out sculptures and Swanica Ligtenberg ceramics.
We’re open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 1 pm - 4pm: a small start of a big continuation!