Filtering by: SwanCeramics

4:30 AM04:30

Brabant Art Fair

Come to the Brabant Art Fair in Tilburg the Netherlands!!!

The Art Fair is on Saturday March the 22nd and Sunday March the 23rd!!!

The hours are from 11am - 17:30pm.

The address is: NS-Plein, 5014 DA Tilburg;


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to Feb 9

Art Eindhoven Fair/Beurs

This year 2025 I will again participate at the Art Eindhoven Fair on February 8 and 9 from 11am - 5 pm. I will exhibit my colorful slipware, especially the Blue slipware with the Excellence Yixing China prize winning “Swan Teapot”!!

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to Aug 30

Groups exposition at "DeNieuweGalerie"

  • Google Calendar ICS

Some of my Horsehair Raku works are included in the summer groups exhibition at TheNewGallery in Amstelveen, The Netherlands.
It is a beautiful exhibition at the mall of “Stadshart” in Amstelveen. If you have some time leftover this summer, please, come and enjoy the gallery.

All the art works. My “Mars” horsehair raku bowl is standing in front of the table.

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to Apr 22


  • Google Calendar ICS

The SWAN ART GALLERY and Studio have OPEN DAYS on
Saturday April 20, Sunday April 21 and Monday April 22 from 11:00 am to 5pm.

The address is: Achterdijk 29, 1191 JH, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, The Netherlands

This national Open Day weekend is organized by Dutch Luxury Design.

When you have some time please, come and enjoy the art and some coffee or tea!!!

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to Mar 17

Brabant Art Fair Tilburg 2024


op 16 en 17 maart 2024

De Koepelhal in Tilburg biedt de Brabant Art Fair een sfeervolle entourage.

I will present new work: Blue slipware “Water-of-Life” plates and vases.

“Water-of-Life” Slipware Bowl

“Water-of-Life” Slipware Vase

“Water-of-Life” Slipware Plate

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to Nov 5

DeNieuweGalerie Exhibition at the AAF: affordable art fair in Amsterdam 2023

I would like to invite you to come to the Affordable Art Fair 2023 in Amsterdam where I am part with 5 other artists of “De Nieuwe Galerie” of the Amstelland Artgroup.

The fair is from November 1 - November 5, 2023.

It is open from:

Wednesday November 1, 17:00 - 22:00 (Official opening)
Public Days:

Thursday November 2, 12:00 - 21:30

Friday November 3, 12:00 - 21:30

Saturday November 4, 10:00 - 19:00

Sunday November 5, 11:00 - 18:00.

The address is:

De Kromhouthal, Gedempt Hamerkanaal 231, 1021 KP, Amsterdam

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to Oct 31


I have an exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from October 1 - December 30, 2023.

My artwork will also be online for a whole year to enjoy and to buy.

Yesterday, was the opening of the exhibition on October 8, 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm.

The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.

This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau from the Netherlands.

The “Cosmos” Slipware Vase in the juweler store on the ground floor of the building.

The “Cosmos” Slipware Plate.

The Kamakura-Red “Bamboo” Plate in composition with other beautiful art.

The “Greek Swan” Vase and “Red River” Tripod.

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to Sep 25

Open Atelier!

  • Google Calendar ICS

I join a National Open Atelier weekend on Sept 23, 24 and 25 in collaboration with the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery, where I have my work.
We are open from 11am to 5pm.
Please, drop by if you are in the neighborhood. You can find info in my contact link here on my website.

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to Sep 10

Beeldententoonstellilng in Hofje van Van Aerden

  • Google Calendar ICS

I have an exhibition with my Horsehair “Spread your Wings” installation at the garden of Mrs. Van Aerden.
The titel of the show is GROWTH in nature: plants, flowers, trees and other floral expressions by 13 artists expressing themselves copper, glass, steel, and ceramics.

The curator is Piet Augustijn.

This is a special garden and a museum build in 1764 and special houses which still provides safe housing for unmarried women.

Invitation to the exposition

Announcement of the exposition in the clay magazine “Klei”, issue July-Augustus 2023.

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to Sep 30


  • Google Calendar ICS

I will have another exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from July 1 - September 30, 2023. You can enjoy my Gingko Horsehair leaves sculptires and the Trumpeteer slipware Vases and some Emotion Vases. On their website you can see more of my artwork.

The opening of the exhibition is on July 9, 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm; 14 hours to 17 hours.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.

This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau.

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to Aug 31

Nederland - Korea Ceramic Exhibition 2023

  • Google Calendar ICS

My work the “Red Trumpeteer” Slipware Vase is in the online exhibition of Korean and Dutch Ceramic Artists from June 1 - August 31, 2023.
It is an exhibition from the Hanyang Ciber University, a virtual university in Seoul, South Korea.

My page on the online exhibition.

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to Jun 4

Exposition in the National Tree Museum Gimborn Arboretum in Doorn, Netherlands

De expositie “Ode aan de Natuur”, georganiseerd door de Werkgroep Ode, is geopend in het Nationaal Bomenmuseum Gimborn Arboretum van 8 April tot 4 Juni, 2023.
Voor de 5de keer wordt deze keramiek expositie georganiseerd in de prachtige bomentuin van het museum. 43 keramisten tonen ruim 100 recente werken.

Ik sta daar met drie grote vazen bewerkt met de gegraveerde slipware techniek.

Het is dagelijks geopend van 9.00 tot 19.00 uur. Tussen 11.00 en 17.00 uur geeft een exposant desgevraagd uitleg over de keramiek.

The Dutch Workgroup “Ode” and the National Tree Museum Gimborn organize together for the 5th time a ceramic exposition in this beautiful tree garden of the museum from April 8 to June 4, 2023. 43 ceramic artists show about 100 pieces of work with the theme “Ode to Nature”.

The “Iris, “Poppy” and “Tulipa” vase with slipware technique. There are holes in the bottom, so water can get out.

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to Jun 30

Exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Store

I will have an exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from April 1 - June 30, 2023.

My artwork will be online for a whole year to enjoy and to buy.

The opening of the exhibition is on April 10, 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm; 14 hours to 17 hours.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.

This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau.

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to Apr 30

Exhibition at "DeNieuweGalerie" in Amstelveen

My Emotion Artwork is in an exposition in “DeNieuweGalerie”. This is a pop-up gallery of the “AmstellandKunst” artists. It represents professional artists from the “Amstelland” region including Amsterdam, Haarlem, Amstelveen and Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. DeNieuweGalerie shows the work of 11 artists in the “Stadshart of Amstelveen” (a shopping mall). The exposition also includes a “Salon Wall” with small works: one of about 30 artists.

Deze expositie is van 27 Maart - 30 April, 2023 met de openings uren van het winkel centrum voor elke dag van 10:00 uur - 18:00 uur, behalve Maandags van 12:00 - 18:00 uur.

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to Mar 19

Brabant Art Fair in Tilburg

Mijn expositie kun je vinden op de Brabant Art Fair, in de Koepelhal in de stad Tilburg op Zaterdag 18 Maart en Zondag 19 Maart van 11.00 tot 17.30 uur.

Ruim 100 geselecteerde kunstenaars tonen hun mooiste werken in een unieke sfeer en inspirerende omgeving. U kunt genieten van boeiende kunstwerken, van een glaasje wijn, een frisdrankje of een kopje koffie of thee en uiteraard ook van de passende entourage. In het weekend van 18 en 19 maart, van 11.00 tot 17.30 uur, is de Koepelhal in Tilburg even de grootste en mooiste galerie van Nederland.

Kom alstublieft en geniet van de uitgebreide selectie van kunstwerken!!!

You can find my exposition at the Brabant Art Fair in the Koepelhal in the city Tilburg on Saturday March 18 and Sunday March 19, 2023 from 11am - 5.30 pm.

About 100 selected artists show their most beautiful art in a unique atmosphere and inspiring environment with delicious refreshments.
Please, come and enjoy all different kinds of artworks!!!

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to Feb 5

ART EINDHOVEN 4 + 5 Feb 2023

Please, join me at ART EINDHOVEN, an art fair, on Saturday the 4th and Sunday the 5th of February 2023 in the “Klokgebouw” in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
The “Klokgebouw” is the old Philips factory. The industrial and nostalgic surrounding gives ART EINDHOVEN the right atmosphere.
More than 130 selected, juried artists show their most beautiful works.
We also will announce the winner of the Painting of the Year and the National Ceramic Award.
ART EINDHOVEN is open both days from 11 am to 17:30pm.

Welkom op de Art Fair: ART EINDHOVEN! Dit vindt plaats op zaterdag 4 en zondag 5 februari 2023 in het Klokgebouw in Eindhoven.
Het Klokgebouw is een oude Philips fabriek die de sfeer van weleer uitstraalt. De industriële en nostalgische omgeving biedt Art Eindhoven een passend decor.
Meer dan 
130 geselecteerde kunstenaars tonen er hun mooiste werken.
Daarnaast worden de winnaars bekend gemaakt van Painting of the year en de Nationale Keramiek Prijs.
Art Eindhoven is op beide dagen open van 11.00 tot 17.30 uur.

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to Sep 30

Dutch Luxury Design Gallery Exhibition

  • Google Calendar ICS

I will have an exhibition at the Dutch Luxury Design Gallery from July 1 - September 30, 2022. My Kamakura-Red and colored engraved slipware artwork will be online for a whole year to enjoy and to buy.

The opening of the exhibition is on July 10, 2022 at 2 pm - 5 pm; 14 hours to 17 hours.
The address is: Voorstraat 1-3, 4116 BC Buren (Gld), Netherlands.

This town Buren has a historical connection to the Dutch Royal House of Oranje-Nassau.

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10:00 AM10:00

Amstellanddag June 12, 2022.

It is Amstellanddag on June 12, 2022. This day is organized to show and enjoy the beautiful cultural and historical “Amstelland” with its farmhouses, nature, art en recreational enjoyment of this region. Very important is to show and discuss how to protect this special environment of the “Amstelland” surroundings.

I participate with my SwanCeramics Art Gallery to show that art is an important expression what is influenced and thrives by living in this beautiful landscape and living along the river “The Amstel”.

Map of all the events.

I am number 9!

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to Nov 20

Exhibition in Orleans, France.

I am very happy that I can participate in an international exposition in Orleans, France, called: “Happiness reflected in Art”. It is from 13 to 21 November, 2021.

It is at the gallery: Le Domaine de la Tresorerie, 14 Rue des Moines, 45750 St-Pryve St-Mesmin, France.

This is a postponed exposition because of the Covid pandemic. And still it is difficult to travel. Please, the people who can come, enjoy the exposition!!!

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to Oct 31

Art tour in De Kwakel, Netherlands

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I participate for 2 days, October 30 + 31 from 12pm-5pm in an art tour. It is held in the city “de Kwakel” and I am at the location 9 of Christa Snoek with her store of floral arts. The address: Vrouwenakker 10A, 1428 RZ, Vrouwenakker. The link of the event:

Please come and enjoy the beautiful location of Christa’s floral art store and the other artists!

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to Sep 26

Exhibition at Gallery Arts Monopole in St.Amands in Belgium

I am part of a international groups exhibition at the gallery Arts Monopole in St.Amand in Belgium from Sept 4 - Sept. 26, 2021 with my newly designed Chawans (Japanese teabowls) and other people with sculptures, photographs, graphic design, paintings and poems.

Every day it opens van 2pm - 6pm, only not Monday and Tuesday.

Of course, there are the Corona restrictions, but the gallery is open!!!
Please, try to come and enjoy the arts!!!!

2021 September_POSTER St.Amands.jpg
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to Sep 5

Art Eindhoven in the Netherlands

Congratulations! Your work is accepted in the digital presentation during Art Eindhoven Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 September 2021.
Your works with descriptions will be presented on 4 screens during the exposition, you will be mentioned in the catalogue and 1 work will be shown on the website. Your works will be presented on Facebook and Instagram after the exhibition.

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to Jul 31

SwanCeramics exposition at the Amstelland Museum / Netherlands

Today, the exhibition of my SwanCeramics Red-Yellow Ware will start at the Amstelland Museum. in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands. It will be open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 1 pm/ 13:00 uur till 4 pm/ 16:00 uur.

You are very welcome when you are in the neighborhood of Amsterdam!!!

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to Dec 20

Christmas Art Fair/ Kerst Kunst Markt

I participate in a Christmas Art Fair with 6 other people at the Amstelland Museum in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel in the Netherlands from Nov 20 - Dec 20 from Friday - Sunday 1pm to 4pm. The address is Kerkstraat 3-8, 1191JB, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel.

My part of the Christmas Art Fair.

My part of the Christmas Art Fair.

Colored glaze ware and Ash glaze ware.

Colored glaze ware and Ash glaze ware.

Kamakura-Red River Bowl

Kamakura-Red River Bowl

Kamakura-Red art ware.

Kamakura-Red art ware.

View Event →
to Oct 25


My artwork is accepted in the anniversary competition ‘Clay in Movement’ for the 40th Anniversary of “KLEI”, the Dutch clay magazine. (40 artists are selected).

As of yesterday you can see my work at a cultural center HUIS 73, Hinthamerstraat 74, 5211MR in the city ‘s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. The center is open from October 1 - October 25, 2020 from 9am to 9pm (on Saturdays and Sundays till 5pm).

You are all welcome and enjoy all the beautiful “MOVING” art!!!

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Bowl

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Bowl

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to Oct 25

Ode aan de natuur Expositie

Morgen opent de expositie “Ode aan de Natuur” in het Nationaal Bomenmuseum Gimborn van 5 September tot 25 Oktober, 2020.
Voor de 4de keer organiseren de Nederlandse Vakgroep Keramisten en het Nationaal Bomenmuseum Gimborn in Doorn een keramiekexpositie in de prachtige bomentuin van het museum. 47 NVK-leden tonen ruim 70 recente werken.
Er is geen opening receptie vanwege de Corona pandemic.

“Spread you Wings” Horsehair Raku

“Spread you Wings” Horsehair Raku

Ik sta daar met mijn Horsehair Raku vleugels: “Spread your Wings”. De hoogste kleinste vleugel is 2 meter hoog en de laagste grootste vleugel is 70cm hoog.

Het is dagelijks geopend van 8.00 tot 19.00 uur. Tussen 11.00 en 17.00 uur geeft een exposant desgevraagd uitleg over de keramiek.
Een combiticket (toegang en catalogus/routekaart) kost €9,00 via Ter plaatse is de toegang €6,50 (jaarkaarthouders en kinderen t/m 15 jaar gratis). De catalogus/routekaart kost dan €4,00. De catalogus afhalen en kopen kan bij de Ode-stand, tussen 11.00 en 17.00 uur.

The Dutch Ceramics Group and the National Tree Museum Gimborn organize together for the 4th time a ceramic exposition in this beautiful tree garden of the museum from September 5 to October 25, 2020. 47 NVK-members show 70 pieces of work with the theme “Ode to Nature”.

2020 Ode aan de Natuur_flyer p2_klein.jpg
2020 Ode aan de Natuur_ flyer p1_klein.jpg

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to Apr 24

Exposition in "Galerie Tijd voor Kunst"

Today, I will put up my exposition for Gallery Time for Art in Oegstgeest.
It is a beautiful location and is an old cloister.

Please, look on their website:

Horsehair Raku transformed Mishima Ware.

Horsehair Raku transformed Mishima Ware.

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Vases

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Vases

Kamakura-Red Ware

Kamakura-Red Ware

2020 Feb 8 TvK AFFICHE.jpg
Horsehair Mishima Raku Ware.

Horsehair Mishima Raku Ware.

Kamakura-Red Ware

Kamakura-Red Ware

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to Feb 3

Exposition at Galerie de Pomp in Warmond.

Exposition with 3 other artists at Galerie de Pomp, Dorpstraat 38, 2361 BE Warmond, Netherlands. The opening hours are Wednesdays thru Sundays from 3pm - 5pm. Please call 071-3011109 for the hours during the holidays.
Expositie in Galerie de Pomp van 3 December - 3 Februari 2020. Het adres is: Dorpstraat 38, 2361 BE, Warmond. Openingstijden zijn van Woensdag tot en met Zondag van 15:00 - 17:00 uur. Bel 071-3011109 voor openingstijden vanwege de feestdagen!!

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