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Brabant Art Fair

Come to the Brabant Art Fair in Tilburg the Netherlands!!!

The Art Fair is on Saturday March the 22nd and Sunday March the 23rd!!!

The hours are from 11am - 17:30pm.

The address is: NS-Plein, 5014 DA Tilburg;


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to Feb 9

Art Eindhoven Fair/Beurs

This year 2025 I will again participate at the Art Eindhoven Fair on February 8 and 9 from 11am - 5 pm. I will exhibit my colorful slipware, especially the Blue slipware with the Excellence Yixing China prize winning “Swan Teapot”!!

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to Mar 19

Brabant Art Fair in Tilburg

Mijn expositie kun je vinden op de Brabant Art Fair, in de Koepelhal in de stad Tilburg op Zaterdag 18 Maart en Zondag 19 Maart van 11.00 tot 17.30 uur.

Ruim 100 geselecteerde kunstenaars tonen hun mooiste werken in een unieke sfeer en inspirerende omgeving. U kunt genieten van boeiende kunstwerken, van een glaasje wijn, een frisdrankje of een kopje koffie of thee en uiteraard ook van de passende entourage. In het weekend van 18 en 19 maart, van 11.00 tot 17.30 uur, is de Koepelhal in Tilburg even de grootste en mooiste galerie van Nederland.

Kom alstublieft en geniet van de uitgebreide selectie van kunstwerken!!!

You can find my exposition at the Brabant Art Fair in the Koepelhal in the city Tilburg on Saturday March 18 and Sunday March 19, 2023 from 11am - 5.30 pm.

About 100 selected artists show their most beautiful art in a unique atmosphere and inspiring environment with delicious refreshments.
Please, come and enjoy all different kinds of artworks!!!

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to Jun 16

8 Juni WATER exposition at National Park Plitvice Lakes in Croatia

The theme of the expo is water in all its aspects and forms.
The flow of water, which is the source of all life and one of the elements, makes the clay malleable and useable for shaping, like the Chawan, the Japanese tea bowl. This Chawan holds the tea, consisting of water and a taste. It represents harmony, peace, rejuvenation, and refreshment and as soon as one sips tea and flows through you, you feel satisfied, content and stress is relieved.

Creating her art heals her and makes her happy. Tea nourishes and cleans her soul and gives spiritual inner joy.

Her Raku Horsehair art radiates the warmth of the earthen colors and flow of harmony. Her Kamakura-Red works, inspired by living in Kamakura Japan, symbolize love, passion and strength.

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