Excellence Award from the 2nd world ceramic teapot art competition

Today, I received the news that my “Swan Teapot and Cup” won the “Excellence” Prize in the 2nd World Ceramic Teapot Art Competition 2024 in Yixing, China!!!! I thank the organization of the competition for awarding me this prize, I am grateful and happy for this recognition.

The museum exhibition.

My “Swan Teapot and Cup” in the exhibition.

Swan Teapot and Cup

The museum exhibition in Yixing China

Official image for the competition

Finalist in ICAN 2nd Holiday Cup Show

You have been selected as Finalist winner for the ICAN 2nd Annual Holiday Cup Show! By being selected, you will have the opportunity of your work being displayed in ICAN's online gallery and viewed by thousands of fellow ICAN members; along with the other winners of the 2nd Annual Holiday Cup Show, November 11– January 7, 2022.


ICAN = International Ceramic Artist Network

Slipware “GREEN” Cup