Acceptance into the International Academy of Ceramics

I'm accepted into the IAC:

"It is our great pleasure and honor to announce that your application has been accepted. We welcome you as a new Member of the International Academy of Ceramics. We congratulate you on this achievement which rewards your passion for ceramics."

I feel thankful for all my supporters and jurors in helping me become a member of the IAC.

The IAC has its headquarters in Geneva. It was founded in 1952. It connects artists in the field of ceramics, designers, galleries in 74 countries across all continents.

The goal of the IAC is to stimulate friendship and communication between professionals in the field of ceramics in all countries. The IAC develops and encourages all forms of international cooperation to promote ceramics and to encourage and maintain production at the highest level of quality in all ceramic cultures.

I studied there for my ceramics for a couple of years in 1981 at the school Les Arts Decoratifs: 40 years ago! Next year, it will be the 70th anniversary and 50th congress of the organization and so it is wonderful to go back there and be part of the exhibition and the conference!

Holiday exposition in Amstelland Museum

I am part of the Holiday exposition at the Amstelland Museum in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands.

We’re open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 13/ 1pm to 16/4pm.
Please, come and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere of the museum and perhaps find some gifts for the Holidays!!! Thank you.

Amstelland Museum.

My Ceramics.

Finalist in ICAN 2nd Holiday Cup Show

You have been selected as Finalist winner for the ICAN 2nd Annual Holiday Cup Show! By being selected, you will have the opportunity of your work being displayed in ICAN's online gallery and viewed by thousands of fellow ICAN members; along with the other winners of the 2nd Annual Holiday Cup Show, November 11– January 7, 2022.

ICAN = International Ceramic Artist Network

Slipware “GREEN” Cup

Exposition in Orleans, France Nov 2021

I am very happy that I can participate in an international exposition in Orleans, France, called: “Happiness reflected in Art”. The main organizer in Lou Smedts. It is from 13 to 21 November, 2021.

This is a postponed exposition because of the Covid pandemic. And still it is difficult to travel. Please, the people who can come, enjoy the exposition!!!

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Vases.

At the exhibition!

I am a SURFACE DECORATION Winner for the ICAN Calendar Oct 2022.

“Comfort” Slipware Emotion Vases made in the lockdown Corona period to try to comfort each other. (H21,5cm/8,5inch x 15cm/6inch x 10cm/4inch)

“Comfort” Slipware Emotion Vases made in the lockdown Corona period to try to comfort each other. (H21,5cm/8,5inch x 15cm/6inch x 10cm/4inch)

I am winner of the SURFACE DECORATION Calendar for the month of October 2022 with my “Comfort” Emotion Slipware Vases: a competition organized by ICAN (International Ceramic Artists Network)!!!

Winners announced for the
2022 ICAN Wall Calendars! 



“The winners have been chosen! We had hundreds of submissions from our talented members, and this year’s entries were outstanding. All submissions were juried by the editorial staff from Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated. Please check out our winners below, and the calendars will be available soon! With an ICAN calendar on your wall, you can be inspired by this beautiful work every day.”* (*text from ICAN email).

The 2022 ICAN Wall Calendar Contest winners:


Surface Decoration 

Johanna DeMaine, January + Cover

Jennifer Rosseter, February

Heidy Freyre, March

Hannah Graeper Carver, April

Kimberly Hilligoss, May

Lisa WB Walker, June

Susan Cohen Thompson, July

Patricia Griffin, August

Timothy Sullivan, September

Swanica Ligtenberg, October

Crain Art Studio, November

Mike Hamlin, December


Catharina Goldnau, January

Chanakarn Semachai, February

Jean Paull, March

Cristina Myrrha, April

Mari Emori, May + Cover

Jennifer Rosseter, June

Jen Pankratz, July

Nikki Renee Anderson, August

Liz de Beer, September

Tenyoh, October

Nancy Roberts, November

Louise Bell, December

Vase and Vessels


Sam Scott, January

Janet K Burner, February

Andrew Matheson, March

Bev Ellis, April

Marguerite Goff, May

Isak Isaksson, June

Terrie Lee Steinmeyer , July

Jan Schachter, August

Marcy Neiditz, September

Lauren Kearns, October

Genie Sue Weppner, November + Cover

Linda Hargrave, December

Artworks at Gallery 8 Archer in Tongeren, Belgium

Today, I brought art works to be included in Gallery 8 Archer owned by Nadine Van Oost in the city of Tongeren, the first established town in Belgium. The Romans ran their road, towers and walls through the city. Hence they have a beautiful Gallo-Roman museum and a big statue of the brave Ambiorix who was prince of the Eburones, leader of a Belgic tribe of north-eastern Gaul and a Belgian national hero because of his resistance against Julius Caesar, as written in Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico.

Nadine’s gallery is situated in the center in an old house which she is renovating and the gallery is beautiful!

Gallery 8 Archer in downtown Tongeren.

Gallery 8 Archer in downtown Tongeren.

Kamakura-Red glaze, Horsehair Raku on glaze Chawans, Slipware colored Chawans (Japanes teabowls), Colored glazed bowls.

Kamakura-Red glaze, Horsehair Raku on glaze Chawans, Slipware colored Chawans (Japanes teabowls), Colored glazed bowls.

Cut+Paste plus Mishima plus Horsehair Raku with horsehair, sugar and fuming of ferric chloride artworks and other artists.

Cut+Paste plus Mishima plus Horsehair Raku with horsehair, sugar and fuming of ferric chloride artworks and other artists.

Nadine’s work to the left with porcelain and pewter. My works with the “Emotion” Vases and “Dance” sculptural Vases and other artists.

Nadine’s work to the left with porcelain and pewter. My works with the “Emotion” Vases and “Dance” sculptural Vases and other artists.

“Broken” Heart, “Empty” Heart, “Full-of-love” Heart Colored Slipware Vases and Colored Slipware “Dance” Sculptural Vases. Stained glass smiley face made by Nadine’s daughter.

“Broken” Heart, “Empty” Heart, “Full-of-love” Heart Colored Slipware Vases and Colored Slipware “Dance” Sculptural Vases. Stained glass smiley face made by Nadine’s daughter.

Horsehair Raku Mishima works.

Horsehair Raku Mishima works.

Red clay, white slip, engraved, colored glazes bowls.

Red clay, white slip, engraved, colored glazes bowls.


Still 1 1/2 week to go with this exhibition at the gallery Arts Monopole.

It is a wonderful and interesting exhibition with mainly all teawares, but also sculptures, paintings, photographs, graphic designs and poems.

And I have to say, that I sold 2 works especially the dancing “Hip-Hop” vase sculpture!

So, please, come over and enjoy this very special exhibition!!!

Works from Lou Smedts and others.

Works from Lou Smedts and others.

The Arts Monopole Gallery.

The Arts Monopole Gallery.

Works from Els Janssens and other.

Works from Els Janssens and other.

Sabine Betz.

Sabine Betz.

Photographs Gerda Genijn, my works and others.

Photographs Gerda Genijn, my works and others.

Leo Wong.

Leo Wong.

Outside: Marthe Verhouten and other.

Outside: Marthe Verhouten and other.

My art works.

My art works.

Art Eindhoven in the Netherlands

Gefeliciteerd! Uw werk is positief geballoteerd voor de digitale presentatie tijdens Art Eindhoven (NABK), Zaterdag 4 en Zondag 5 September 2021.

Uw werken met omschrijvingen worden tijdens de beurs op 4 schermen getoond, u krijgt een vermelding in de catalogus en er wordt 1 werk getoond op de website. Na afloop van de beurs wordt de volledige presentatie van werken gedeeld op Facebook en Instagram.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Art Eindhoven

Congratulations! Your work is accepted in the digital presentation during Art Eindhoven Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 September 2021.
Your works with descriptions will be presented on 4 screens during the exposition, you will be mentioned in the catalogue and 1 work will be shown on the website. Your works will be presented on Facebook and Instagram after the exhibition.

2021 September exhibition at Gallery Arts Monopole in Belgium

I am part of a international group exhibition at the gallery Arts Monopole in St.Amand in Belgium from Sept 4 - Sept. 26, 2021 with my newly designed Chawans (Japanese teabowls/slipware technique) and other people with sculptures, photographs, graphic design, paintings and poems.

Every day it opens van 2pm - 6pm, only not Monday and Tuesday.

Of course, there are the Corona restrictions, but the galerie is open!!!
Please, try to come and enjoy the arts!!!!

2021 September_POSTER St.Amands.jpg
Blue-Black Slipware Chawan

Blue-Black Slipware Chawan

Black-Yellow Slipware Matcha tea Box.

Black-Yellow Slipware Matcha tea Box.

Yellow-Green Slipware Chawan

Yellow-Green Slipware Chawan

June 2021 Exhibition at the Amstelland Museum

Today, the exposition of some of my yellow-red and red Kamakura-Red works are shown in the Amstelland Museum in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel in the Netherlands.

Finally, the museum can open again and there is a groups exposition of Inge Wiedijk (Paintings and Photography), Jos Out sculptures and Swanica Ligtenberg ceramics.

We’re open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 1 pm - 4pm: a small start of a big continuation!

SwanCeramics art works.

SwanCeramics art works.

Feeling Centered? works, Connection Vases and Wing Chalice.

Feeling Centered? works, Connection Vases and Wing Chalice.

Hokusai Wave Plate, River Bowl, Flower-of-Life Plate, Bamboo Plate and Sakura Box. All with the Kamakura-Red Glaze.

Hokusai Wave Plate, River Bowl, Flower-of-Life Plate, Bamboo Plate and Sakura Box. All with the Kamakura-Red Glaze.

Glazed Horsehair Pitchers.

Glazed Horsehair Pitchers.

Amphora, River Vase, Yellow Tripod, River Tripod.

Amphora, River Vase, Yellow Tripod, River Tripod.

New developed artworks year 2020

Last year February 2020, I participated in the “RISE 2020” ceramic residency in France organized and guided by Dr.Wendy Gers and Lauren Kearns: Look for March 22, 2020.
The research done during those weeks developed to the rediscovery of my love for colors and working with slips and free playful transformed forms.

I restricted myself to a vessel form with a long neck to challenge myself and still including my feature mark of burning Horsehair Raku. I called the vases: “Different views” because of the USA election time that year.

This evolved in “Emotion” Vases: bending the neck to the front or backward or around each other which resulted in beautiful expressions, even though there are no arms.

And all used with the new color slips engraving and sgrafitto technique.

Then I thought I could cut the vase and make legs and from one came the other expressed in certain dance positions: and my all old theme of “Life is a dance” what every body can still use now after so much confinement. So, “Let’s Dance”!!!!

“Different Views”

“Different Views”

“Different Views”

“Different Views”



“Feeling Proud”

“Feeling Proud”



“Let’s Dance” 4

“Let’s Dance” 4

“Let’s Dance” 1

“Let’s Dance” 1

“Let’s Dance” 3

“Let’s Dance” 3

Composition of 6 Teabowls/Chawan, Matcha powder tea boxes/Chaire, wisk/Chasen and tea scoop/Chashaku: colored slipware.

Composition of 6 Teabowls/Chawan, Matcha powder tea boxes/Chaire, wisk/Chasen and tea scoop/Chashaku: colored slipware.

“Blue” Slipware Chawan Teabowl

“Blue” Slipware Chawan Teabowl

Composition of 2 Teabowls/Chawan, Matcha powder tea box/Chaire, wisk/Chasen and tea scoop/Chashaku: colored slipware.

Composition of 2 Teabowls/Chawan, Matcha powder tea box/Chaire, wisk/Chasen and tea scoop/Chashaku: colored slipware.

Poem about my "Spread your Wings" by Peter Schotman

A new customer, Peter Schotman, who bought the big wing-set of the series of “Spread your Wings” , felt inspired by my works to write a poem about it (it is in Dutch) (He allowed me to put this poem and his name on my website). I feel very honored:

Op Vleugelen

van verlangen vlieg ik
-nog in veilige dekking-
een ongewisse toekomst

ben ik wel vorstbestendig
en coranoproof of
verspreid ik onnozele gans
de Chinese vogelpest

in dit arboretum van
eeuwenoude bomen
de moderne tijd haar
bespaard gebleven

geef mijn harde inborst
de kracht haar roots
te volgen met een boodschap
van verwachting en openheid


“Spread your Wings” in Von Gimborn Arboretum National Tree Museum in Doorn

“Spread your Wings” in Von Gimborn Arboretum National Tree Museum in Doorn

"KLEI in beweging"/"CLAY in motion"

Yesterday, the exhibition opened for the 40th anniversary for the Dutch clay magazine “KLEI”. The title is: “Clay in motion”.
I am one of the 40 accepted artists.

As of yesterday you can see my work at a cultural center HUIS 73, Hinthamerstraat 74, 5211MR in the city
‘s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. The center is open from October 1 - October 25, 2020 from 9am to 9pm (on Saturdays and Sundays till 5pm).

You are all welcome and enjoy all the beautiful “MOVING” art!!!

%22In-Motion%22 Horsehair Raku Bowl_S.Ligtenberg_1 copy.jpg
Works from Julias van Dam and Els Janssens

Works from Julias van Dam and Els Janssens

Works from Loes Koth Penders and Orly Shemesh

Works from Loes Koth Penders and Orly Shemesh

1st Price: Wilma Hornsveld with 'teapot wink'; 2nd price: Hilde Butterman with 'Dordrecht'; 3rd price: Jeanne in Dorsthorst with 'Outdoor'.

1st Price: Wilma Hornsveld with 'teapot wink'; 2nd price: Hilde Butterman with 'Dordrecht'; 3rd price: Jeanne in Dorsthorst with 'Outdoor'.

Exposition at the Dutch National Tree Museum Gimborn with "Spread your Wings"

Tomorrow, the exposition will finally open after the postponement of several months due to the Corona virus. The Dutch Ceramics Group NVK and the National Tree Museum Gimborn organize together for the 4th time a ceramic exposition in this beautiful tree garden of the museum from September 5 to October 25, 2020.
47 NVK-members show 70 pieces of work with the theme “Ode to Nature”.

It is a beautiful park and rich vegetation and especially now a good chance to be outdoors, enjoy nature and beautiful art!!!

There will be no opening reception.

I show my Horsehair Raku “Spread Your Wings” installation; The tallest/smallest wing is about 2 meters/ 6”8’ tall; the lowest/biggest wing is about 80 cm/2 feet tall.

Horsehair Raku “Spread your Wings”.

Horsehair Raku “Spread your Wings”.

2020 Ode aan de Natuur_flyer p2_klein.jpg

Exposition Amstelland Museum in Holland

Today, my exposition “Repair your soul” opened in the Amstelland Museum in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel in the Netherlands. It is a historical museum about the history of this village Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, which started in the year 1000, because of the important river the Amstel and river crossings. Those rivers were water ways carrying and moving people and freight in barges. The museum consist of 6 small Diaconie charity houses for elderly women and build by the Protestant Amstelkerk in 1733.

Jos Out , a sculptor, is my partner in the exposition.

More information is on the exhibition page:

The historical Amstelland Museum.

The historical Amstelland Museum.

Entrance of the museum.

Entrance of the museum.

“Kintsugi” work: Repair your Soul.

“Kintsugi” work: Repair your Soul.

“Caldera” Kintsugi Horsehair Plate: Repair your Soul.

“Caldera” Kintsugi Horsehair Plate: Repair your Soul.

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Spread your Wings”

“Mishima” and “In-Motion” Horsehair Work

“Mishima” and “In-Motion” Horsehair Work

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Vases

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Vases

Winning ICAN NCECA Mishima Horsehair Raku Teapot

Winning ICAN NCECA Mishima Horsehair Raku Teapot

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Work.

“In-Motion” Horsehair Raku Work.

Some beautiful sculptures from Jos Out.

Some beautiful sculptures from Jos Out.

Woman sculpture from Jos Out.

Woman sculpture from Jos Out.

"Repair your soul"

“Kintsugi” is a Japanese method of repairing broken ceramics. During my many movings from Japan back to the USA, within the USA and the return to the Netherlands, some of my work broke. Some of them beyond repair but some I was able to mend.
With this Kintsugi method the damage of the broken objects will be aggrandized by filling the cracks with GOLD. It is believed that when something suffered damage and has a history, it becomes more beautiful. “All of us developed scars throughout our lives. These scars should not be hidden. Our imperfections can be the birth of something new”:

Some of my restored work:

“Caldera” 2 times Horsehair Raku fired; fumed with Ferric Chloride and Kintsugi repair.

“Caldera” 2 times Horsehair Raku fired; fumed with Ferric Chloride and Kintsugi repair.

Cut+paste Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Cup

Cut+paste Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Cup

“In-Motion” cut+paste Horsehair Kintsugi Vase

“In-Motion” cut+paste Horsehair Kintsugi Vase

“Mishima” cut+paste Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Cup

“Mishima” cut+paste Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Cup

“Golden Sun” Glazed Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Plate

“Golden Sun” Glazed Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Plate

“Swanflower” Horsehair Raku Kinstugi Vase

“Swanflower” Horsehair Raku Kinstugi Vase

White Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Bowl

White Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Bowl

“Volcano” 2 times Horsehair Raku fired Kintsugi Bowl

“Volcano” 2 times Horsehair Raku fired Kintsugi Bowl

White Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Bowl

White Horsehair Raku Kintsugi Bowl

Article of "SHORT and STOUT" ICAN Exhibition in Pottery Illustrated Magazine

My teapot “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot is included in an article in the Pottery Making Illustrated magazine of the May/June 2020 issue. Due to the cancellation of the NCECA conference end of March 2020, where the teapots would have be shown, they have chosen to showcase the 20 amazing teapots, chosen by editor and ceramic artist Katie Sleyman, in the magazine Pottery Making Illustrated. They have paired the teapots with Ivor Lewis’ article that elaborates on the important considerations of making each part of the teapot.

Please, enjoy the article and beautiful teapots.

"Originally published in Pottery Making Illustrated, May/June 2020. Copyright, The American Ceramic Society. Reprinted with permission."

May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.

May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.

May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.

May 2020; My “Horsehair Raku Mishima” teapot (NUMBER 6) is featured in an article in Pottery Making Illustrated in the May/June 2020 issue: Short and Stout; an ICAN Exhibition.

*2020 May ShortStout_PMI JPEG_Page_3.jpg
*2020 May ShortStout_PMI JPEG_Page_4.jpg
*2020 May ShortStout_PMI JPEG_Page_5.jpg

Horsehair Raku "Spread your Wings" for the Exposition in the National Tree Museum

Yesterday, the blacksmith Jan Cuiper finished the supports for my horsehair raku wings for the exhibition at the National Tree Museum the Arboretum in Doorn , Netherlands organized by the NVK Nationale Vakgroep Keramisten, the Dutch Ceramics Organization.
Unfortunately, the exhibition got postponed to September 2020 due to the Corona virus and pandemie.

I put the wings in my backyard. The title “SPREAD YOUR WINGS” which I came up with was months ago and so depressing now that every one has to stay inside. But at the other hand it is a very uplifting metaphor for the future to take off again after such a difficult time in which many people lost their precious lives due to the virus. My sincere condolences.

The tallest with smallest wings in the back are 2.15 meter or 7 feet high. The smallest with biggest wings in the front are 1.45 meter or 4.75 feet high. It is like they are flying up and get smaller when higher up with the movement of the wings. Then the steel pole moves in the wind like the wing is flying.

Horsehair Raku “Spread your Wings” installation in my backyard. The tallest wing in the back is 2.15 meter or 7’; the smallest front wing is 1.45 meter or 4,5’.

Horsehair Raku “Spread your Wings” installation in my backyard. The tallest wing in the back is 2.15 meter or 7’; the smallest front wing is 1.45 meter or 4,5’.

The 2nd tallest wing.

The 2nd tallest wing.

I put the installation in my frontyard so the people passing my house can enjoy it.

I put the installation in my frontyard so the people passing my house can enjoy it.